Redesigning, Rethinking My Blog!

Everybody who really knows me knows that anything that is in someway, shape or form, related to psychology I would be interested in. I watch a movie and I find something that has something to do with psychology. Once, I was watching a movie (for the life of me I can not remember the title and right now I wish I did) about a woman who believed that her baby was evil and was trying to kill her and destroy her family. Well, in the movie she became depressed after giving birth to her child and these beliefs came about during her depression. The first thing I thought was "Postpartum Depression with Psychotic features!" AND, this was when I was still a sophomore in undergrad obviously before I started grad school and took Psychopathology!

I am such a psychologist/therapist!

Anyway, I love everything to do with psychology, counseling, or therapy that I don't ever seem to know exactly what to do with this blog! At first, I was going to write short "papers" but when I tried that I don't ever seem to post more than one or two entries a year which obviously does not work. Also, those "short papers" always seem to be WAY to long to read as a blog post, which means that probably no body ever will ever read it! Well, I am trying to think of ways to redesign and rethink my blog and still have as "me!" I want my blog as being unique to me, something that is new and different.

So far, I am thinking I will try to focus my blog to the specific topics of psychology which most interests me which are: depression, self-esteem, anxiety (specifically Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), women's issues, and specific issues specific to the military. Hopefully, by focusing this I can possibly post a bit more often than once or twice a year!

The Early Years of the American Psychological Association

I am proud to be a student affiliate of the American Psychological Association (APA) and I will be attending the annual convention this year. As this will be my first time attending the annual convention of the APA, I thought I would post on the history of the APA and their convention.

The American Psychological Association was formed in 1892 by a small group at Clark University with G. Stanley Hall as the first president (APA History). G. Stanley Hall, at the time, was also the president of Clark University. He invited this group of seven men to discuss the formation of an association to discuss psychological matters. At this time, they chose Hall as the president of the association and had determined the next meeting should be at the University of Pennsylvania in December of 1892 (The American Psychological Association: A Historical Summary 1892-1930).

The constitution of the APA was written at the annual meeting of 1894. This constitution gave requirements for membership, election of officers, and along with other duties of the association (The American Psychological Association: A Historical Summary 1892-1930). This article (which I provided a link to in the previous citation) discusses the constitution which was written in 1894. It is interesting to note that in this constitution there were only two classifications of membership: members and associates. I am not sure when they added affiliate membership such as students, high school teachers, and community college teachers.

 Membership of the APA remained relatively low for the first 50 years of its existence although it quickly picked up after the World War II. During WWII the APA reorganized which resulted in a broader conceptualization of psychology (APA History).


American Psychological Association. APA History and Archives. retrieved from

Green, C. D. (2000). The American Psychological Association: A Historical Summary 1892-1930 retrieved from